Saint Constantine College is an independent, pan-Orthodox Christian school that welcomes students from all faith traditions. Every member of our faculty, staff, and leadership is a dedicated and practicing Christian. We come from a variety of Christian traditions and churches, but all affirm belief in creedal Christianity as it has been handed down over the ages.
The Orthodox church has been the home of Christians throughout the globe for thousands of years, and we are proud to serve as an extension of that home.
What is Orthodox Christianity?
The Orthodox Church finds its beginnings with Christ and the apostles and continues the unbroken tradition over two millennia. The word “Orthodox” literally means “true teaching” or “right worship.” The Orthodox Church carefully guards the truth against all error to protect its flock and to glorify Christ.
Orthodox Christianity is woven through the fabric of our school, from the most foundational of educational philosophies to the daily life of students and faculty.
What do Orthodox Christians Believe?
The Orthodox Christian Faith is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ, who is both fully divine and fully human. The focus of Orthodox doctrine is on Christ’s incarnation, His life teachings, His passion and life-giving death, His third-Day resurrection and glorious ascension. The Orthodox believe that the Bible is the sacred and divinely inspired record of God’s self-revelation to humanity, and that this revelation has been preserved and passed down in the Holy Tradition of the Church. The Orthodox hold that Christ formed His Church by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and that the Spirit continues to be alive and active in the Church to this day.
Orthodoxy at Saint Constantine College
Because Orthodoxy is a way of life, not just a series of doctrines, this life is integrated into the College in several ways:
Daily Morning Prayers
Every morning of the school week, the Saint Constantine community meets for morning prayers. We are honored to have morning prayers led by a team of Orthodox clergy from around the Houston area.
Divine Liturgy
Once a semester, Saint Constantine hosts a divine liturgy service led by our team of Houston area clergy
College Lectures
Orthodox theology and the spiritual life is a central focus of our college lecture series every semester. Recent lecturers include Fr. Joseph Honeycutt and Fr. Symeon Kees.
Orthodox Curriculum
As a Great Texts-focused college, Saint Constantine builds its curriculum around the central texts of the Orthodox Church, starting with the Holy Scriptures, and extending outward through the Church Fathers to modern Orthodox literature.
Spiritual Direction
Fr. Mark Makarios, Associate Pastor of Saint George Orthodox Church, serves as the Saint Constantine Chaplain and provides spiritual direction for the student body and staff of the College.
Local Parish Life
The Houston area is blessed with numerous excellent Orthodox parishes which are actively attended by many Saint Constantine students and faculty. The closest parish, Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, hosts the local chapter of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), in which many of our college students are involved.